Moving Day

Remove linens from the beds and pack in an “open first” box.

When the movers arrive, review all details and paperwork. Accompany the van operator to take inventory. Verify delivery plans.

If there is time, give the home a final cleaning, or arrange in advance for someone to perform this service the day after moving out.

If you arrive before the movers, take some time to tidy up your home (dusting shelves, etc.) so the movers can unpack items directly onto clean shelves. If you plan to line cupboards with shelving paper, this is a good time to do it.

Unpack your car.

Review your floor plan to refresh your memory about where you want furniture and appliances placed.

Check to make sure the utilities have been connected, and follow up on any delays.

Confine your pets to an out-of-the-way room to help keep them from running away or getting unduly agitated by all the activity. You might even consider boarding them overnight at a local kennel until you’re settled.

Plan to be present when the moving van arrives. Be prepared to pay the mover before unloading.