Packing Supplies and Boxes
Good Things Come in All Packages.
We offer a full line of high quality packing supplies. We’ll even deliver the materials to your door for free! We offer high quality, sturdy boxes all your household goods and office equipment, plus plain packing paper, bubble wrap, and packing tape. Don’t worry about overbuying — if you don’t use all your boxes, we’ll buy them back from you at full cost. Place an order and ask how to get a free in home estimate at the same time, with no obligation now.

Boxing Day: Tips for Successful Packing
Packing doesn’t have to be stressful. If you start early and plan well, you’ll be better organized and you’ll have more time to decide what you really want to take to your new home — and what can be left behind. Careful packing will keep your possessions from breaking in transit and will save you money by cutting down on the number of boxes needed. You can order a complete set of packing materials from Moving Express, and we’ll deliver them at no extra charge. Some tips from the packing professionals at Express Moving Systems:
- Make a list of all the rooms that need to be packed a month or two ahead of time. Schedule 3-5 days per room — that way all the contents in each room will be packed together and you will avoid the last minute rush to throw everything in boxes.
- Start by getting rid of things you don’t want to move. Consider having a garage sale to get rid of items you no longer need, or donate them to your favorite charity.
- Separate each room into two zones: Items you can’t bear to part with but that you won’t need immediately in your new home and items you’ll want to unpack and put away quickly in your new home.
- Label your boxes so that the movers will know where they go.
- Secure the bottom of every box properly with packing tape.
- Pack heavy items, such as books, in small boxes. Light items, like linens, can go in larger boxes. This way, your boxes won’t be too heavy, and they’re less likely to break.
- Pack electronics, computers, and small appliances in their original boxes if possible. If you don’t have the original boxes, place each item in a heavy plastic bag and double box it. Fill the boxes with packing peanuts.
- Label computer cables before disconnecting them to make assembly easier later on.
- Keep items you’ll want immediately — first aid kits, paper plates and plastic utensils, your child’s favorite toys, a few changes of clothing — in a separate location. Pack them in suitcases or boxes clearly marked, “DO NOT MOVE.”
- Use wardrobe boxes for good clothing and draperies. (Moving Express provides free use of wardrobe boxes on all local moves.)
- Pack clothing as you wash it. Do a load and take it from the washer to the boxes. When you move all you have to do is place the folded clothes in drawers and you won’t start with a pile of laundry.
- Pack dishes and glassware in plain newsprint. Use old towels as cushions in the box. Stand glassware up instead of lying it down on its side.
- Remove or secure pendulums and chimes in grandfather clocks.
Do not pack hazardous waste or flammable items such as gasoline or paint thinners. Dispose of them properly before you move.